Monday 31 March 2014

A Steel Boned Corset - Your True Best Friend

A Steel Boned Corset is a true best friend you can always count on for support and confidence.  

Ladies do you have trouble finding your size..? 

For many shopping is depressing.!, it was for me…... before I learnt the Historical Art of Re Shaping and I would like to share it with you.

I started learning about this ingenious technique of corset making over twenty years ago and through trial error and some creativity I realised I could transform people’s confidence by reshaping their figure.

I knew then this is where I wanted to be; this path would be my life long journey I love the challenge of each individual customer.

Every day is different and exhilarating I have the best job ever I get to make people feel good…. It’s easy really, all they have to do is try on a properly fitted Steel Boned Corset lace them up then watch as they drop two dress sizes and you will always see that little smile on the side of their faces as they look into the mirror.

Women have always prided themselves on there appearance and a properly fitted corset helps to create an instant positive body image by gently supporting our breasts without the use of straps and with a strong firm embrace supports our tummy and back then firmly creating an irresistible hour glass waist.

“A Steel Boned Corset is a true best friend you can always count on for support and confidence”.  Marie Delon

Look good feel Great in your custom corset by Marquis De Sade. Isn’t it time you found out how much confidence and support you could get from your very own Marquis de Sade creation?